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Posts from:Blog, PowerBI

Creating a Mobile Optimized View in Microsoft Power BI Desktop

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction When most people think of mobile apps for business needs, they probably think of the outdated squished view that you really can’t do anything with. Fortunately, since Microsoft is such a big corporation, they have made... (more...)

Power BI: Adding Members to a Workspace

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction Eventually, you will need to add members to a workspace in Power BI. This isn’t because you need help with everything, or that you can’t organize a great workspace by yourself. But it is just the easiest way to share... (more...)

Power BI: Using DAX Union() Function

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction There are many reasons why you may want to put two tables into one, and because of it there are a couple of different methods that you can use to do this. Generally you will use an append or merge function, or you may even... (more...)

Power BI: Append and Merge

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction There are some areas in Microsoft Power BI that have a lot of redundancies. Meaning that there are many ways that a report builder can accomplish the same goal without using the same process or function. The way that we will... (more...)

Power BI – Use Join DAX Functions

BY: David Rohlfs Cross Join Natural Inner Join Natural Left Outer Join Introduction There are a lot of reasons that you need to incorporate multiple tables into one inside of Microsoft Power BI Desktop. And a few of the ways that you can achieve this... (more...)

The Differences Between Creating a Report on Power BI Service VS. Desktop

By: David Rohlfs Introduction Like many other functions in Microsoft, you can create a report in two different ways. The first being on the desktop app; this is where you will likely create most of your reports. The second is on the Power BI service;... (more...)

Power BI Apply all Slicers to Visuals at one time

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction Recently I was asked to come up with a way that would halt a selection from multiple slicers to reduce the spin time on a visual. After about five minutes of research, I learned that there is a relatively new feature in Power... (more...)

Power BI Conditional Formatting with DAX

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction This blog is going to explain how to use DAX to conditional format cells, with different rules from previous columns. This can become very important when you want to do conditional formatting to a field, but you need to separate... (more...)

Power BI Time Conditional Formatting

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction While many operations of an organization are focused on dates, there are still a lot of operations in a company that are focused on time. When you are building a report, or page of a report, that is focused on time, at some... (more...)

Power BI – Conditional Formatting

BY: David Rohlfs Introduction A table in Power BI is very bland and can be hard to read. When the goal of building a report is to develop interest of the data through a story, a report builder should try to avoid boring or straining visuals if possible.... (more...)

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