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Posts from:Enterprise Project Management

Change Management and Project Management

BY: Collin Quiring I have been in training for a client recently about Project Management and we just briefly touched on Change Management.  According to the Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) version 5, a part of the... (more...)

What is that Red X and Green Check mark?

BY: Collin Quiring The Entry Bar in Microsoft Project is a place where you can type or edit the Task Name.  But, next to that Entry Bar is a little box with a Red X and a Green Checkmark in it. (Sometimes they are grayed out.)   What does that... (more...)

Project Management – A Skill in Need

BY: Collin Quiring Of the respondents to Computerworld’s 2015 Forecast survey, 24% stated that they were going to add more IT employees.  Just as in previous years, the number one position they were looking to hire was in the Programing/Application... (more...)

Project Online – EPT’s, PDP’s, Templates, Cost Resources and Errors

By: Collin Quiring We were working with Project Online and went to Project Center, selected New Project and then used one of our customized Enterprise Project Types to create a new project. The Project Information text appeared as expected and when we... (more...)

Microsoft Project Online – Manipulating OData using $select and $filter

By Darin Brazile Note – By Request, this was also made into a downloadable White Paper and can be found here: Microsoft’s cloud based Project and Portfolio Management offering, Project Online, has brought a traditionally... (more...)

Microsoft Project – Linking Task Duration (but not tasks)

BY: Collin Quiring In this article,, we talked about hammock tasks.  The question came up about something that isn’t really a hammock task, but is a task that depends upon another task’s duration. Let me explain a bit more about... (more...)

Microsoft Project–The Hammock Task

BY: Collin Quiring Sometimes you have a task that has a Start Date based on one task and Finish Date based on a different task.  There are probably some manual gymnastics that you can do to make this happen but Project gives us a methodology to this... (more...)

Microsoft Project Product LifeCycle

By: Collin Quiring It would be unrealistic for Microsoft to support every product it ever created in perpetuity.  Therefore, they have a “support end” and often an “extended support end” where they officially will no longer help you or support... (more...)

SSRS Reports not displaying icons in the header

BY: Collin Quiring This is a pretty specific issue but I wanted to share it since the solution was not readily available.  We are using Project Server 2013.  We have an SSRS (SQL Services Reporting Server) report that works fine in Visual Studio. It... (more...)

Master Project and Read Only SubProject

BY: Collin Quiring Sometimes, when you are using Microsoft Professional and you insert a Subproject the Subproject is“Read Only” when you try to save the Master Project.  This quick post is how to resolve that issue. In this example, I have a Master... (more...)

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