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Posts from:Enterprise Project Management, OPM3

Does the organization play together? (Part 1 of 5 – The Concept)

BY:  Collin Quiring I sometimes feel like George Costanza on Seinfeld when he talks about Worlds Colliding!  For most organizations, no single area can work in isolation.  Everything affects everything.  But, some organizations become so large or... (more...)

Microsoft Project 2013 Certification – Don’t Take it Here!

By:  Collin Quiring Any regular reader of this blog knows that PMP Specialists is a Microsoft Partner specializing in Project Management and Project Server.  And, I personally have taken the certification tests since the 2003 version.  Lately, I have... (more...)

The Risk of No Replacement Plan

By:  Collin Quiring I see the world through the prism of Project Management.  Lately, I have been thinking about the Risk of a key person leaving an organization – a succession plan.  When Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation I was surprised... (more...)

Project Server 2010 – Copying a Project Detail Page

BY: Collin Quiring Recently an associate created a Project Detail Page (PDP) that had a large number of fields in it.  He added the appropriate custom and standard project fields (about 25) to the PDP knowing that he would have to create a very similar... (more...)

Why I Love my Trash Service

By:  Collin Quiring  My property line borders “The City” but I am officially in “The County.”  The good news is that I don’t have city taxes but the bad news is that I don’t get some city services.  One of those services is Trash Removal. ... (more...)

Timesheets and Task Updates – a High Level Overview

This article is an overview for the diagram that can be found here:  and is called “Timsheet and Task Update Workflow”. The diagram and this article are a high level overview and are to help with... (more...)

Microsoft Project Conference 2012

        I am excited about being one of the presenters at the Microsoft Project Conference 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona.  My topic is going to be “Resource Management – Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together!”.  I will be talking... (more...)

Budget and Cost Resources

BY Collin Quiring In our book, “Mastering Resource Management Using Microsoft Project and Project Server 2010” we concentrate on the tool itself and on Work Resources.  This document is an addendum of sorts to that and is designed to better define... (more...)

Isn’t Project just like Excel, or like any other Office product?

By: Collin Quiring This seems to be a question, or more often, a phrase stated as a true comment, quite a bit lately.  I just saw a post by somebody that is trying to get a job and he said to the recruiter that he understood how Project worked (he thinks... (more...)

The Perfect Project Manager

By: Tim Gryder So while the title of this article is something I doubt anyone can claim, we all have to admit that we either aspire to be the perfect project manager or sponsor the perfect project manager.  I say this to address the reality that is the... (more...)

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