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Compatibility – IE 10 and PWA

BY: Collin Quiring

As more and more of my users get Internet Explorer (IE) 10 I am getting questions about error messages.  To clarify, as of this writing, IE 10 and Project Server 2010 don’t play well together.

Some screens within Project Web App (PWA) appear to work and some others don’t work at all.  One of the error messages that you get is unfortunately a very unhelpful and non-accurate message.  It states that Project Server 2010 feature requires at least Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.  But, you are already using version 10!

Compatibility Error


So, first thing is to ignore that message.  Don’t click on “Go Back to Site.

You have two options here to fix this.  The first one is the immediate fix but requires you to do it every time you hit one of these pages.  In the address bar is the “Compatibility View” icon.


Compatibility URL

Selecting this should make the screen open properly and you can go on until you get the error again and then you hit the icon again.

The other option is to try and use the Compatibility View Settings.  To do this, go to IE– > Tools — > Compatibility View Settings —  >  and then add the website to the list.  I say “try” this because it hasn’t worked for me yet.  I have a couple websites in my list that don’t work right and I have to hit the icon in the address bar anyway.  There are other options in the Compatibility View as well that might work for you.  Those are outlined here: .



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